Dear colleague,
Apologies for the mix-up! We recently sent you the acceptance confirmation for your abstract at our conference, but it turns out we included the wrong payment links. Attached is the corrected confirmation with the proper links (payment in CZK or payment in EUR). Sorry for any confusion caused. Let us know if you have any questions.
Best wishes
BCLSE 2023 Organizing Committee
Dear colleague,
We have the pleasure to inform you that your abstract has been accepted, and we invite you to take part in the Tenth Brno Conference on Linguistics Studies in English.
The conference fee is 2,200 CZK (90 EUR). The fee includes a conference pack (to be received at the check-in desk at the conference), a book of abstracts (online), coffee breaks and conference dinner, but not accommodation, which must be arranged separately (see the BCLSE website for accommodation tips). The conference fee payment is available from 16 June to 20 August 2023 and must be made by card via the following payment gateway: payment in CZK or payment in EUR.
Payment in cash or by card on the spot upon arrival will not be possible.
The conference programme structure (basic timetable with sessions) will be posted on our conference website by the end of June 2023. The preliminary conference programme, including participants’ names and titles of presentations, will be available on the conference website by the end of July 2023; this version will be subject to change. The final programme will be posted on the BCLSE website by 25 August 2023.
We look forward to meeting you in person and hearing your contribution in Brno in September.
Best wishes,
BCLSE 2023 Organizing Committee