Conference Venue
Venue – Faculty of Education MU
The Conference is held at the Faculty of Education MU in Brno (Poříčí 9, 603 00 Brno, Czech Republic).
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Internet Access
During the conference, the participants can use a local Wi-Fi connection.
- SSID: MUNIguests, PSWD: MUNIguests
We recommend using the local faculty canteen.
We do not organize accommodation but below are some suggestions on how participants can arrange accommodation on their own.
Accommodation possibilities
- Continental Hotel – Kounicova 9, Brno 602 00
- Sharingham Hotel – Vídeňská 1, Brno 639 00
- Austerlitz Hotel – Táborského nábř. 3, Brno 639 00
- Omega Hotel – Křídlovická 19b, 603 00 Brno
If you have any further queries, please contact us via the conference mail