Keynote speakers
Ruth Breeze
Ruth Breeze is Full Professor at the University of Navarra and the PI of the Public Discourse research group (Instituto Cultura y Sociedad, Universidad de Navarra, Spain). She specialises in discourse analysis, specialized communication, corpus linguistics, and educational linguistics. Her work in the field of legal, political and media discourse has been published in many books, articles and book chapters and widely cited. Her most recent publications include Corporate discourse (Bloomsbury, 2015), Teaching English Medium Instruction courses in Higher Education (Bloomsbury, 2021), and the co-edited volumes Pandemic and crisis discourse: Communicating Covid-19 and public health strategy (Bloomsbury, 2021), and African migrations. Traversing hybrid landscapes (Lexington, 2024). In addition, Ruth Breeze is Co-Editor-in-Chief of Revista Ibérica, the journal of the European Association of Languages for Specific Purposes (AELFE).
Researching emotions in discourse: How can corpus linguistics help?

Milan Ferenčík
Milan Ferenčík is Full Professor and Director of the Institute of English and American Studies at the Faculty of Arts, University of Prešov, Slovakia. His research interests encompass English Stylistics, Pragmalinguistics (Politeness Theory), Sociolinguistics, Discourse Analysis, Conversation Analysis, English as a Lingua Franca, World Englishes, Linguistic Landscape and Geosemiotics. He has contributed significantly to these fields through numerous presentations and publications (e.g. in Journal of Pragmatics, Pragmatics, Prague Journal of English Studies, Brno Studies in English, Discourse and Interaction, Topics in Linguistics, Human Affairs, Slovo a slovesnost, Jazykovedný časopis, Slovenská reč). He published the monograph Doing (im)politeness in the media. A study of sociolinguistic (im)politeness in a radio phone-in interaction (2011), several textbooks: English Grammar in Discourse. A Course in Systemic-functional Grammar (in collaboration with Z. Nováková, 2022), English stylistics as discourse analysis (2016), and recently co-authored A handbook of research methods in linguistics and translation studies (2024).
How to do things with pragmatics in public space: Using public signage as a resource for learning pragmatics